What is the meaning of Om Namah Shivaya Mantra, benefits and rules of this mantra

In Hinduism, the Om Namah Shivaya mantra is called Panchakshar. It is considered to be the symbol of the five elements. This mantra is a great mantra, which is considered to be the god who controls the universe. The meaning of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra is to be free from hatred, desire, selfishness, greed, jealousy, lust, anger, attachment, illusion and arrogance and to be filled with love and joy and attain the company of God. The person who chants this mantra, Lord Shiva is pleased with him. What are the benefits of chanting this mantra?

Benefits of chanting mantras

  • Chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra brings wealth and helps you overcome your enemies.
  • This mantra is also chanted to obtain a child.
  •  By chanting this mantra all pains and sorrows end and the immense blessings of Mahakaal start showering on the person.
  • By chanting this mantra all troubles go away.
  • Om Namah Shivaya infuses positive energy and removes negative energy. This mantra also relieves stress, which helps to relax.
  • Chanting this mantra helps you to gain control over your senses and it also helps to control the mind.
  • This mantra gives you a sense of direction and purpose in your life.
  • Chanting this mantra brings freedom from time and death.

Method of chanting mantra

  •  We should chant the Om Namah Shivaya mantra by sitting in a clean, quiet and secluded place in a Shiva temple, pilgrimage site or at home.
  • Chant this mantra every day using a Rudraksha rosary. It is considered auspicious to chant this mantra 108 times every day. Always chant facing the east or north direction.
  • Om Namah Shivaya mantra should always be chanted while sitting in yoga posture. Chanting this mantra awakens all the senses.
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rules of mantra

  • It is best to chant the Om Namah Shivaya mantra in the morning. Wake up in the morning and take a bath and then go to the puja room or temple and chant this mantra.
  • While chanting the mantra, keep your eyes closed and then chant the mantra.
  • While reciting the mantra, concentrate only on Lord Shiva. And after reciting the mantra completely, do take the name of Lord Shiva.

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  • Use a Rudraksha rosary to recite this mantra. The mantras related to Lord Shiva are recited only on a Rudraksha rosary.

Time to chant mantra

  • There is no set time for chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra. You can do it whenever you want.
  • You can chant this effective mantra of Lord Shiva both during sunrise and sunset.

FAQs on Mantra

What happens when you chant the mantra Om Namah Shivaya?

Chanting this mantra pleases Lord Shiva. Chanting this mantra ends all your sorrows and pains and you are showered with the infinite blessings of Lord Shiva. Monday is considered to be the day of Lord Shiva.

How to do Om Namah Shivaya Mantra Siddhi?

This mantra should be chanted at least 108 times every day. Chanting should always be done facing the east or north direction. If you chant after establishing and worshipping Shiv Linga on the banks of a holy river, its results will be the best. Apart from this, you can also chant this mantra in a mountain or a quiet forest.

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What happens when you chant Om Namah Shivaya while walking?

By chanting this mantra, the blessings of Lord Shiv Shambu are attained and his proximity is attained. Lord Shiv protects that person from negativity and brings happiness in his life. Along with this, the blessings of Sun God are attained.

What happens by saying Om Namah Shivay everyday?

Chanting this mantra removes all the problems. Lust, anger, hatred, attachment, greed, fear, sadness etc. all end with the chanting of this mantra. Chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya gives courage and enthusiasm to a person.

What happens by writing Om on Shivling?

Without Om or Om, the mantra is considered incomplete. Namah Shivaya is the Panchakshari mantra and adding Om before it completes it and the formless Brahma (God) is also associated with Shiva.