What is the effect of a cow urinating in front of the house, its advantages and disadvantages

In our Hindu religion, cow is considered very auspicious. Cow is the mother of all gods and goddesses. According to Hindu mythology, 33 crore gods reside in cow. Where there is cow, Goddess Lakshmi resides there. Goddess Lakshmi named Surabhi also resides in cow. Cow is worshipped daily. Cow’s urine and cow dung contain many medicinal elements. There are different signs related to cow as well. In Indian Ayurveda, cow urine is used to treat many diseases. In this article, we will know the advantages and disadvantages of cow urine.

Benefits of cow urine

For cancer

Cow urine has the ability to prevent cancer. When the curcumin element in the body is low, the risk of cancer increases. Curcumin is found in cow urine, which prevents cancer.

For weight loss

Obesity can be reduced with cow urine. Vitamins are found in it, which help in weight loss. Cow urine improves the digestive system and helps in weight loss.

Skin Care

Cow urine can also be used for skin care. Ayurveda says that cow urine is used to cure acne and other skin diseases. Cow urine is also used in skin diseases like ringworm and itching.

For infection

Cow urine can be used to protect the body from infection. Cow urine has bacteria fighting properties. Cow urine is used for sore throat or other types of throat infections.

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Treatment of the digestive system

Problems of the digestive system are also treated with cow urine. Mixing lemon juice in cow urine and drinking it in the morning cures all the problems of the digestive system. Cow urine is also beneficial to get rid of problems like constipation, gas and acidity.

For physical illness

Consuming cow urine increases immunity and also protects the body from common infections like cold and flu. People who have cough problems should consume half a cup of fresh cow urine every morning. This will help in getting rid of chronic cough.

Relief from joint pain

To get relief from joint pain in winters, it is beneficial to consume cow urine with 1 gram dry ginger powder. Apart from this, applying cow urine on the affected part also provides relief to reduce joint pain.

For the eyes

Cow urine works like a medicine to get rid of all eye diseases like watery eyes, redness, tearing and itching. For this, you have to put one or two drops of cow urine in the eyes, this will cure all eye problems.

Harm from cow urine

  • Cow urine should always be kept at a certain temperature.
  • The quantity of cow urine depends on the season. Because it is hot in nature. Therefore, its quantity should be taken in less quantity in summer.
  • Cow urine extract is given to children below 8 years of age and pregnant woman on the advice of a doctor.
  • Keep cow urine in an earthen, glass or steel vessel.
  • People who are thin, weak and suffer from fatigue should avoid its use.
  • Men who suffer from lack of sleep should not consume it.
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  • If you consume cow urine in excess, it can be very harmful for your kidneys. Consuming it in excess can cause kidney related diseases.
  • Cow urine should not be stored for more than an hour. Children below 10 years of age should not consume cow urine.

Questions related to cow urine

What happens if a cow enters the house?

If a cow enters the house, it is very auspicious. Cow indicates in our life that now negative energy is going away from around you and positive energy is about to come.

What happens to cow urine?

Cow urine contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, manic, citric, tartaric and calcium salts, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold acid similar to the human body.

What does it mean when a cow shakes its head?

The shaking of a cow’s head is considered auspicious as it symbolises prosperity, good fortune and health.

What to feed cows for good luck?

For good luck, the first roti should be fed to cows. Doing so purifies the house and protects the family from negative influences, creating an atmosphere of peace and prosperity.

What happens if you stroke a cow?

By caressing a cow, blood pressure becomes normal and by caressing its horns, all negative energy in the body is diminished.