What is Gun Milan of the bride and groom and how to match them, complete information

For a successful married life, it is very important to have matching qualities between husband and wife, these qualities are matched through horoscope. The horoscope of any person is made on the basis of his date of birth, time and place. This horoscope is made by looking at the position of planets and stars at the time of birth. When a boy and a girl get married, the horoscopes are matched to see how many qualities match. The horoscopes of the bride and groom are matched so that the future life of the bride and groom can be spent happily. Only then the marriage is performed, because matching of qualities is considered necessary for marriage matching. From the point of view of marriage, horoscope matching is done on these five important bases – horoscope study, Bhaav matching, Ashtakoot matching, Mangal Dosh consideration, Dasha consideration. In North India, Ashtakoot matching is popular for matching of qualities, whereas in South India, the method of Dasakoot matching is adopted. Ashtakoot matching, that is, matching of the bride and the groom in eight ways is known as Gun Milan.


The caste is determined by the moon sign in which 4(Cancer), 8(Scorpio), 12(Pisces) signs are Brahmin, 1(Aries), 5(Leo), 9(Sagittarius) signs are Kshatriya, 2(Taurus), 6(Virgo), 10(Capricorn) signs are Vaishya while 3(Gemini), 7(Libra), 11(Aquarius) signs are considered as Shudra.


Vashya is related to the basic personality. There are 5 types of Vashya- biped, quadruped, insect, forest animal and aquatic animal. Just as a forest animal cannot live in water, similarly how can an aquatic animal live in the forest? Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius come under biped zodiac. Aries, Taurus, Capricorn come under quadruped zodiac, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces come under aquatic zodiac, Scorpio comes under insect zodiac and Leo comes under aquatic zodiac.

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Tara is related to the fortunes of both the bride and groom. 9 stars have been created by dividing the 27 nakshatras starting from the birth nakshatra into 9 parts- Janma, Sampat, Vipat, Kshem, Pratyari, Vadh, Sadhak, Mitra and Amrit. On counting stars from the groom’s nakshatra to the bride and from bride’s nakshatra to groom’s nakshatra, there should not be Vipat, Pratyari and Vadh, rest of the stars are fine. Count from the groom’s birth nakshatra to the bride’s nakshatra and divide the number obtained by 9. If the remainder comes out to be 3, 5, 7 then it is inauspicious, whereas in other situations the star is auspicious. Similarly, counting is done from the bride’s birth nakshatra to the groom’s nakshatra.


When any human being is born, he comes in some form or the other. These forms are associated with animals like horse, dog and elephant. They are calculated on the basis of birth nakshatra. Some forms are considered to be the biggest enemies of each other. This is seen in relation to the mutual compatibility of the bride and the groom. 

Planetary Friendship

In this, the planets ruling the moon signs of the bride and groom are matched. If the lords of the moon signs are not friends, then there is a difference of opinion, due to which a situation of conflict may arise. On this basis, the state of mutual trust and cooperation is assessed.


On the basis of birth nakshatra, three types of Ganas have been described, which are Dev Gan, Manushya Gan and Rakshasa Gan. If the Ganas of the groom and the bride are the same, then it is considered very auspicious. Dev Guna and Manushya Ganas are considered equal. If one of the two has Dev Ganas and the other has Rakshasa Ganas, then it is not considered auspicious. On the basis of this, the relationship and harmony with the family in the coming life is assessed.

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Bhakut matching is considered very important. In this, the position of the moon in the horoscope of the bride and groom is assessed. If this matching is not done properly, then there is lack of sweetness and love in married life and along with this, problems of some kind or the other keep coming in life.


Based on the birth nakshatra of a person, Nadi has been classified in three ways. Madhya, Adi and Antya Nadi. The Nadi of the bride and groom should not be the same. This is linked to the birth of a child.

How to get qualities

Jyotishacharya told that if a person matches less than 18 Gunas, then the possibility of marriage is very less. On the other hand, if a person matches 18 to 25 Gunas, then it is considered good for marriage. If 25 to 32 Gunas are found, then it is considered best for marriage. If someone matches 32 to 36 Gunas, then it is considered very good. Such marriage is successful.

  • Below 18 – not marriageable or failed marriage.
  • 18 to 25- Good match for marriage.
  • 25 to 32- Good match for marriage, marriage is successful.
  • 32 to 36- This is an excellent match and this marriage is successful.

Matching of 36 qualities is a sign of a successful marriage

Jyotishacharya told that Guna Milan is a small part of Kundali matching. Just Guna matching does not determine the success or failure of a marriage. Many times, even after matching all 36 Gunas, their marriage is not successful. This is because apart from Gunas, the position of other planets in the Kundali is also considered.

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The 7th house in the horoscope is the place of marriage. You can also know from the 7th house in the horoscope what kind of nature your life partner will have.

It is necessary to check for Mangal Dosha

Jyotishacharya told that whenever horoscopes are matched for marriage, it is very important to get Mangal Dosha checked. If in a person’s horoscope, Mars is in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house from the lagna house, then in such a situation, that person is called Manglik. If a Manglik gets married to someone who is not Manglik, then there is a possibility of such marriage breaking.ना होती है।

Questions related to the qualities of a man and a woman.

What is Vashya in Kundali?

In the horoscope, Vashya means capable of being controlled. Apart from Leo, all the signs are under the control of male signs. Water signs (Cancer, latter half of Capricorn, Pisces) are prey to male signs (Gemini, Virgo, Libra, first half of Sagittarius, Aquarius). 

What happens if you get 36 marks?

If the qualities of two couples match 36 out of 36, then their marriage is not considered auspicious. The belief behind this is that Lord Shri Ram and Mother Sita had to face a lot of problems in their married life.

How many qualities are required for marriage?

If 25 out of 18 qualities of a person match, then this marriage is considered auspicious. If 32 out of 25 match, then also this marriage is considered excellent. Such marriages are successful.

How many qualities do men have?

There are 22 chromosomes for men. It is the combination of chromosomes that determines the physical and mental qualities of a person.

Is what is written in the horoscope true?

Yes, that is true and nobody gets anything more than fate. What is written in a person’s horoscope shows the possible paths, opportunities and challenges of his life, but it does not mean that every event written in the horoscope is immutable.