What are the miracles of reciting Sunderkand

According to Hindu beliefs, by reciting Sunderkand, a person can get amazing benefits in his life. Also, it is considered to be a medium to get the blessings of Hanuman ji. Ram devotee Hanuman ji is considered to provide strength, wisdom and devotion. Whether it is Hanuman Chalisa or Sunderkand, by reciting both of these, a person gets to see many positive effects in life. If any person recites Sunderkand, his concentration increases and he is filled with confidence. By reciting Sunderkand, people come to know about their real powers. By knowing his real powers, a person overcomes many obstacles. By reciting Sunderkand, a person also becomes mentally strong and defeats opponents. Not only this, Sunderkand also creates positive feelings inside a person and by reciting it, a person is also inspired to do good work for the society. Benefits of reciting Sunderkand.

Calms the malefic planets in the horoscope

By reciting Sundarkand, the effect of bad planets in the horoscope also reduces. By reciting Sundarkand on Tuesday and Saturday, Mars and Saturn become calm. By reciting Sundarkand, you can avoid many troubles during Shani’s Dhaiyya and Sadhesati. Along with this, Sundarkand can also be recited to remove the ill effects of bad planets like Rahu-Ketu.

Freedom from negative forces

By regularly reciting Sunderkand, the negative energies inside you are removed. By doing this recitation, there is no problem related to ghosts in your house. Reciting Sunderkand proves beneficial not only for you but also for all the members living in your house. Even if you are not able to recite Sunderkand regularly, you must recite it at least once a week.

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Beneficial for students

If students recite Sundarkand, they get success in their student life. They concentrate on their studies and also get good marks in the exams. Therefore, students must recite Sundarkand.

Saturn will also do good to you

Shani Dev is afraid of Hanuman Ji. One of the ways to reduce the effect of Shani Dev’s dasha is to worship Hanuman Ji. If you recite Sundarkand on Saturday, then Bajrangbali will be pleased and Shani Dev will also not harm you.

Get rid of debt

Reciting Sundarkand regularly helps in getting rid of debt. If you have a lot of debt then you should recite Sundarkand. Reciting Sundarkand helps in getting rid of debt.

Freedom from fear

If you feel scared at night and have bad dreams, then you should recite Sundarkand. Just like reciting Hanuman Chalisa, you get rid of the fear of the mind. Similarly, reciting Sundarkand also gives relief from the fear of the mind.

Domestic disputes go away

By reciting Sundarkand, domestic disputes are removed. By reciting this, positive energy comes into the house. Due to which one gets rid of the negative energies arising in the house. By reciting Sundarkand, the atmosphere in the house remains positive and loving. If Sundarkand is recited by a member of the family, then it is even more beneficial.

Beneficial for children

If your children do not listen to you and do not respect elders, then you can inspire your children to recite Sundarkand. If they have forgotten their values, then you can make the children recite Sundarkand. By doing this, your children will start respecting you and will also start listening to you.

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Method of reciting Sunderkand

  • If you are reciting Sunderkand to achieve any special result, then start on Tuesday or Saturday.
  • Before starting Sunderkand, take a bath, meditate and wear clean clothes.
  • After this, install the idol of Hanumanji in a temple or at the place of worship in the house.
  • Along with Hanumanji, you can also install the idol or picture of Lord Ram and Mother Sita in the temple.
  • After this, offer flowers, fruits etc. to Hanumanji.

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  • Before starting Sunder Kand, worship Lord Ganesha.
  • Recite Sunderkand while wishing for the fulfillment of the purpose for which you are reciting Sunderkand.
  • Do not let your mind wander while reciting Sunderkand.
  • The day you recite Sunderkand, do not let lustful thoughts enter your mind and do not do any work under the influence of lust.
  • Along with this, the person reciting Sunderkand should also not consume intoxicants like meat and alcohol.

Sunderkand lesson questions

What is the benefit of reciting Sunderkand?

By reciting this Hanuman Ji gives strength to his devotees. Negative powers never wander around him. Devotees can get this kind of power. When a devotee’s self-confidence reduces or no work is getting done in life, then by reciting Sundarkand all the work starts getting done automatically.

What happens by reciting Sunderkand every day?

By reciting Sunderkand daily for 21 days, Bajrangbali is pleased and his blessings remain on you and yours.

What happens in the house by reciting Sunderkand?

By reciting Sunderkand, the atmosphere of the house remains positive and loving. If this recitation is done by any member of the house, then it is even more beneficial.

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What are the benefits of reciting Sunderkand?

Regularly reciting Sunderkand can help you get rid of all the obstacles and problems in your life. Reciting this wonderful shloka gives you relief from your troubles. It also protects you from the bad effects of planetary positions. Sunderkand is known to fulfill the wishes of devotees.