Signs of having twin-boy and Girls, complete information

Pregnancy is the happiest moment for a woman. Many times when a woman is pregnant, she does not know at all whether she is going to be the mother of one child or twins. There are many reasons behind a woman having twins. A woman can also give birth to twins due to the family’s genetic condition, fertility treatment etc. Dr. Vijay Lakshmi says that when the sperm reaches the fertilized egg to form an embryo. If two eggs are present in the uterus, then the chances of the woman giving birth to twins increase. There are two types of twins. The ones that look alike are called monozygotic and the other ones that look alike are called dizygotic. The genetic structure of such children is exactly the same and the twins that look alike are fertilized by the sperm from the same egg. Such are the signs of having twins.

Feeling very hungry

Due to the presence of twins in the womb, a woman feels more hungry than usual during pregnancy. Because of this, you feel very hungry. Normally, a pregnant woman does not feel so hungry.

Weight gain

In case of twin pregnancy, the weight of the woman also increases a lot. When there are twins in the womb, you have two fetuses, two placentas and more amniotic fluid. Due to this, the weight of the woman starts increasing.

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Morning Sickness

A woman carrying twins in the womb has more problems with morning sickness. Due to this, a woman may feel more pain and weakness when she wakes up in the morning.

To have two hearts

A pregnant woman definitely hears the heartbeat of the baby growing in her womb. This experience is also very memorable for her. If you hear two separate heartbeats in the womb, then you can find out that you are having twins.

Excessive nausea and vomiting

During pregnancy, more than half of the women have to face the problem of vomiting and nausea in some form or the other. Women who are carrying twins may feel more nausea and vomiting, but many women do not feel it. It is not necessary that a woman who is carrying twins will vomit every time during pregnancy. A woman may feel nauseous due to some other reason also.

Extreme fatigue

Having twins puts a lot of strain on your body as you are nurturing two lives in your womb. Many mothers blame themselves because they feel so tired, but understand that your body is working 24 hours a day to take care of your little ones. It is advisable to take breaks.


As your baby and your uterus grow, the amount of blood going to your uterus will increase. This can make you feel dizzy, especially when standing up or changing positions. When you stand still, the weight of your uterus can cause blood to pool in your legs, which can also make you feel dizzy.

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Itchy skin and stomach

Your abdomen and other areas of skin may feel itchy as they stretch and expand. Apply a gentle, unscented lotion to itchy skin and wear loose clothing that won’t irritate the area. If your feet or hands are itchy, this could be a sign of cholestasis, a liver problem that needs to be treated.

Difficulty in breathing

As your uterus grows, it begins to put pressure on other organs, including your lungs, and you may begin to experience shortness of breath.

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Take frequent breaks from activity and exercise to control your breathing, and practice good posture so your lungs have room to expand.

lack of insomnia

Between back and body aches, leg cramps, anxiety, heartburn, and the anxiety or worries of becoming a parent, many pregnant women experience pregnancy insomnia as they near the end of their pregnancy. A relaxing routine before bedtime can help combat insomnia.

Twin baby related questions

How do pregnant women get twins?

Twins can be two girls, two boys, or a boy and a girl. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits and develops into two embryos. Identical twins can share a placenta and an amniotic sac, or twins can share a placenta and each have a separate amniotic sac.

What should be the weight of a twin baby?

The average weight of twins is 2.49 kg (5.5 lbs) at 37 weeks, while the average weight of triplets is 1.80 kg (4 lbs).

What precautions should be taken in twin pregnancy?

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In twin pregnancies, extra folic acid and iron should be taken with caution.

What does excessive sleepiness during pregnancy mean?

Progesterone hormone increases sleep in pregnancy. This hormone is good for the mother who wants to rest. This hormone increases sleep and lethargy which relaxes the mother which helps in the development of the fetus of the mother. Sleepiness in pregnancy is considered normal.