Simple remedies for Pitra Dosh Nivaran, how it is formed in the horoscope, complete information

In Pitra Dosh also, a person may have to suffer the same consequences as Kalsarp Dosh. In many people’s kundali, both auspicious and inauspicious benefits are formed. If auspicious yogas are formed in a person’s kundali, then the person gets comforts and wealth in life. If an inauspicious dosha is formed in a person’s kundali due to the conjunction of planets and stars, then such a person has to struggle in life and success is very less. Among the doshas mentioned in astrology, Kalsarp Dosh and Pitra Dosha are considered to be the most effective doshas. According to astrology, when the souls of our ancestors are not satisfied, then these souls trouble the people of their lineage living on Earth. This is called Pitra Dosha in astrology.

How is Pitra Dosha formed in the Kundali

According to astrological events, when Sun, Mars and Saturn are situated in the Lagna Bhav and the fifth Bhav of a person’s horoscope, then they form Pitra Dosh. Apart from this, when Guru and Rahu sit together in the eighth house of the horoscope, then also Pitra Dosh is formed. When Rahu is present in the center or in the triangle in the horoscope, then Pitra Dosh is formed. Apart from this, when Sun, Moon and Lagnesh are related to Rahu, then Pitra Dosh is formed in the horoscope of the native. When a person disrespects his elders or kills them, then such a person suffers from Pitra Dosh.

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Symptoms of Pitra Dosha

When there is Pitra Dosha in a person’s horoscope, then the person has to face many problems in his life. There is a delay in the marriage of such a person, the person’s engagement can be broken, there is tension in the marital life, such women have problems in conceiving, the child may die prematurely and there are problems in debt and job in life. Apart from this, sudden death or accident can happen in the house or family of such people. They can remain troubled due to some disease for a long time. A disabled or unwanted child can be born in the family. Such a person can also get addicted to bad habits.

Remedies to remove Pitra Dosh

  • The day of Somvati Amavasya is considered the best for Pitru Dosh Nivaran Puja. Pitru Dosh Puja performed on this day removes Pitru Dosh.
  • If Pitra Dosha in your Kundali is causing you great troubles, then reciting ‘Sarpa Sukta’ daily is the best solution to get rid of it.
  • Such a person should recite the Gajendra Moksha chapter of Srimad Bhagwat in his house on every Amavasya.
  • It is considered auspicious to offer milk to Peepal tree and pray to Lord Vishnu a day before every Chaturdashi, Amavasya and Purnima.
  • Such a person should bring 1.25 kg rice and take a handful of rice from his head 7 times every day and put it at the root of Peepal tree. Doing this continuously for 21 days can provide relief from Pitra Dosha.
  • If Pitra Dosh is being formed in the horoscope, then the person should put a photo of his deceased relative on the south wall of his house and offer garland to it and worship them daily and seek blessings from them.
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  • As a remedy for Pitra Dosha, a person should feed vadas made of urad flour to a black dog every Saturday, this reduces the negative effects of the three planets Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.
  • Performing the Pitru Dosh Shanti ritual on the Pitru Amavasya which is celebrated every year or on the date on which your ancestor died can also reduce Pitru Dosh.
  • To please the ancestors, offer milk mixed with black sesame seeds to the Peepal tree during Pitru Paksha. Also offer rice and flowers and pray for the peace of the souls of the ancestors.
  • During Pitru Paksha, a lamp should be lit in the south direction of the house every evening. This also removes Pitra Dosha and all the obstacles in your life start to go away.

Questions related to Pitra Dosha

What should be done to eliminate Pitra Dosha?

In such a situation, you must perform tarpan, pinddaan and shraddha rituals in Pitru Paksha to get rid of Pitra Dosh. Along with this, take out food and water for the ancestors and invoke them and offer all these items to them. This can remove the displeasure of the ancestors.

How to get rid of Pitra Dosh?

According to astrology, for the peace of ancestors, food and water should be offered in their name during Pitru Paksha. To get rid of Pitru Dosh, Pinddaan, Tarpan and Shradh should be done for ancestors during Pitru Paksha. A lamp should be lit in the name of ancestors during Pitru Paksha.

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For how many years does Pitra Dosh last?

Pitra Dosh is a type of debt that is associated with the deeds of ancestors. The effect of Pitra Dosh can last for many generations, especially up to seven generations. Pitra Dosh creates an atmosphere of fights and troubles in the family. Pitra Shraddha Karma is usually performed for ancestors up to three generations.

Why does Pitra Dosha occur in the house?

If the Tarpan, Shradh and Pinddaan of the ancestors are not performed properly, then the family becomes afflicted with Pitra Dosh. After this, the deceased ancestors of that family trouble the family members living there and due to this the life of the family members becomes difficult and a situation of unrest and distress arises in the family.

Where should the place for ancestors be in the house?

The place of ancestors in the house is considered to be the south direction. During Pitru Paksha, ancestors arrive from the south direction. Therefore, it is considered good to perform Puja and Tarpan for ancestors in the south direction.