Signs of worshiping Tulsi in dreams, benefits of Tulsi in the house

While sleeping, a person definitely dreams about something or the other. These have different meanings. Some dreams indicate something about your future, while some may be related to some current event. Seeing Tulsi being worshipped in a dream means that in Hinduism, Tulsi is a symbol of divinity, healing and prosperity. Seeing it in a dream can be interpreted as a blessing, indicating positive change, protection or spiritual growth. Some people associate it with inner peace or a desire for personal transformation. Reflecting on your feelings and past experiences with the Tulsi plant can lead to a deeper personal understanding of the dream’s message. Some indications of seeing Tulsi being worshipped in a dream are-

Sign of god

If you ever see yourself worshiping in your dreams, then it can be a sign that you are completely absorbed in the devotion of God and you see only devotion to God while sleeping and waking up. This dream can be a symbol of your unwavering faith. Therefore, consider any such dream as an auspicious sign and do not be afraid of it. If you have such a dream, then definitely visit a holy place.

Sign of prosperity at home

If you see yourself worshipping in a dream, then it indicates prosperity for you. Any such dream tells that very soon some new changes are going to happen in your life, which can have a positive effect on you.

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Worshiping a temple in a dream

If you see yourself praying in a particular temple in your dream, then understand that one of your biggest wishes is going to be fulfilled soon. Any such dream also indicates that perhaps you will visit that temple for darshan very soon.

Worshiping with family in the dream

If you see a dream in which you are praying with the whole family, it means that you will get the support of your family in some difficult task. Consider any such dream as a sign of success in work. Such a dream gives you positive signals from all sides.

Benefits of planting Tulsi at home

Use of basil

In Sanatan Dharma, Tulsi plant is considered as a divine form. In Ayurveda, it has been used as a medicine for centuries. Tulsi plant keeps the environment clean and is very beneficial for health. Know why it should be planted in the house.

Auspiciousness of tulsi in the home

According to Vastu Shastra, Tulsi plant must be planted in the house, planting Tulsi plant in the house eliminates the conflicts among the family members and Goddess Lakshmi arrives. And the means of earning income increase.

Thinking of people in the family

If there is a Tulsi plant in the house, then positive energy resides in the house and negativity goes away. But remember, after planting the Tulsi plant, do worship it regularly.

Where should Tulsi be planted in the house?

Tulsi plant should be planted in the house or balcony or in the middle of the courtyard. Apart from this, you can also keep it in the balcony of your bedroom. It is said that it destroys negative energy in the house and spreads positivity.  

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Problems with getting a child

Not only the basil plant and its leaves, but its seeds are also no less than magic for health; it helps in increasing fertility.

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It can be used to solve problems in conceiving a child.

Money problems

If there is a shortage of money in the house, then bring a Tulsi plant from the temple and plant it in the house, this brings happiness and prosperity in the house and the shortage of money goes away.

Career success

According to astrology, planting Tulsi in the house from the temple brings success in career. This also removes obstacles in work and the person progresses.

Questions related to worshiping Tulsi in dreams

What happens if you dream of Tulsi ji?

If someone has seen a Tulsi plant in their dream, then it also means that your spiritual growth is going to happen.

What does Tulsi symbolize?

Tulsi is the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi.

Why does Tulsi dry up repeatedly in the house?

There can be many reasons behind the drying of the basil plant. These mainly include excessive watering, adding fertilizers and less sunlight. Apart from this, the basil plant also starts drying due to reasons like insect infestation.

When should the Tulsi plant not be touched?

According to religious beliefs, the Tulsi plant should not be touched on Sundays and Tuesdays and one should also avoid pouring water on the plant on these days.

When should the Tulsi plant not be touched?

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Tulsi leaves should not be plucked on certain special days like Sunday, Tuesday and Ekadashi. Along with this, offering water to Tulsi is also prohibited on these days. One should also avoid offering water to Tulsi at night.