Totka to ward off the evil eye, know the method to ward off the evil eye

When a person achieves special success – like building a new house, buying a shop, land or vehicle or buying any household item. Such a person whose wishes are not being fulfilled, the negative energy arising inside him causes Nazar Dosh for the other person. Nazar is linked to negativity in every way. When it enters the house, it starts having a bad effect on the family members. The effect of evil eye on children is directly seen on their health or their studies. Many problems can arise due to this. But Hindu astrology has suggested remedies to avoid it.

Remove evil eye with red chilli

If the child is affected by evil eye and is facing some problems, then you can ward off the evil eye using red chillies. For this, take seven dry chillies and rotate them 7 times in a clockwise direction over the child’s head and close your eyes and think about warding off the evil eye. Burn all these red chillies in fire. By doing this, the evil eye on the child is removed.

Remove the evil eye with mustard and salt

If a child or any other member of the family is affected by evil eye, then take a handful of mustard seeds and a spoonful of salt. Rub both these things on the child or any member of the family and then go outside and throw it somewhere. By doing this the evil eye gets removed.

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Mirror or glass

Mirrors can be used to protect against evil eye. Mirrors are extra powerful because of their properties and strange paradoxical abilities. Mirrors can protect people from misfortune. Place mirrors in the house in such a way that your main door is visible in the mirror. Any negative energy that tries to enter the house will be reflected out with the same force by the mirror. Keep in mind that it is inauspicious to have two mirrors facing each other.

lemon pepper remedy

If your work is not going well, then on Saturday and Tuesday you can put lemon and chilli on the gate of your workplace. When it dries up, you can replace it on this day. By doing this, the evil eye will be removed and your work will start going well.

Ganga water and smoke remedy

If the house is affected by evil eye and you feel some supernatural obstacle, sprinkle Gangajal in the house every day. Apart from this, you can also burn frankincense in the house. By doing this, the evil eye in the house goes away. Also, put a picture of a peacock on the main door of the house, by doing this the evil eye in the house will be kept away.

Remedy for Kilo on Saturday

If work is not going well in someone’s shop, business place or company and there is some problem, then on Saturday hammer four nails on the wall of your workplace. By doing this, the evil eye will go away and business will flourish again.

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worship pray

If you want to avoid evil eye, then doing Puja prayers is one of the most effective. Every day should start with Puja-Archana. By repeating these prayers, you feel energized. You will be cured by doing Puja to get rid of evil eye. It is best to boost your inner positivity to protect yourself from evil.


Horseshoe is known as a lucky talisman, which wards off misfortune and evil eye. When a horse runs it draws in good energy and expels bad energy. Horseshoes give magnetic energy.

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Horseshoes are usually placed outside the main door as a protective symbol. In Vastu, horseshoes represent luck, wealth and fortune. Horseshoes help overcome financial difficulties.

Peepal leaves

Peepal leaves are also beneficial for warding off the evil eye. This can benefit the person at once. To avoid the evil eye, keep the Peepal leaf under the pillow overnight and then throw it in water in the morning. Apart from this, pluck 5 Peepal leaves and rotate them 11 times over the person who is affected by the evil eye. After that burn those leaves. 

ward off the evil eye with salt on Sunday

To get rid of the evil eye on Sunday, take salt and rotate it seven times on the person who is affected by it and throw it in the opposite direction. Apart from this, rotate some sweet five times on the person and keep it at the crossroads. This can help you get rid of the evil eye.

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Questions related to eye contact

How to know if there is an evil eye?

Symptoms of the evil eye include mysterious health concerns, persistent unfortunate situations, fatigue, tension in relationships, strange behavior by pets, and persistent disturbing dreams. 

How to ward off the evil eye?

There are several ways to ward off its effects, such as reciting Hanuman Chalisa, applying kajal, using alum, hanging an Nazar Battu, burning sage or henna, wearing a hamsa or evil eye amulet, and cleansing your aura through meditation, salt baths or crystals.

How do you ward off the evil eye using slippers?

To protect the child from the evil eye, every Saturday take a broom or his left foot slipper or shoe and move it 7 times in reverse order and then sweep it 3 times on the doorstep and then come inside. This is also a very old traditional way of warding off the evil eye.

Who gets affected by the evil eye?

If a person is affected by evil eye due to weak moon. If Rahu is also not in the right condition then also the person gets affected by evil eye very quickly.