Benefits of tying a black thread on Tuesday, complete information

You have seen that many people wear black thread on their hands and feet and some wear it as a fashion, while some consider it as a religious tendency. Some people’s parents tie a black thread in their childhood. The practice of tying black thread on hands and feet has been going on for centuries. The main benefit of tying a black thread on Tuesday is-

Protection from Rahu and Ketu

Shadow planets Rahu and Ketu usually give inauspicious effects. Tying a black thread on the left foot has negative effects of both Rahu and Ketu. Along with this, it helps in getting rid of financial problems.

Protection from the evil eye

Tying a black thread on the feet prevents evil eye. With this, one stays miles away from negative energy. Due to which health and progress are not affected. Along with this, black thread must be tied on the feet of children who are repeatedly affected by evil eye.

Eliminate the shortage of money

It is considered better to wear a black thread on the toe. This also keeps the health good. Wearing a black thread on the foot reduces the bad effects of the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. This also removes the shortage of money.

On which day should the black thread be tied

Tying a black thread on the body on Tuesday is very helpful. Especially tying a black thread on the right leg on this day is considered very auspicious. It is said that due to its effect, happiness comes in the financial life of a person and wealth and prosperity also enters the house. 

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Necessary precautions while tying black thread

By wearing a black thread on your feet on Tuesday, the blessings of Shani Dev remain on you. Instead of buying a black thread from the market, you should buy a thread from Bhairav ​​Nath temple and tie it. This increases its benefits manifold. The black thread should be worn only after tying knots all around it. Gayatri Mantra should be chanted while wearing the thread. This maintains purity. Women should avoid chanting Gayatri Mantra.

Benefits of tying black thread

  • Black color is believed to be related to the planet Saturn. In such a situation, wearing it strengthens the position of Saturn in the horoscope.
  • If you are suffering from a serious illness, then along with getting treatment, tie a black thread around your waist. This will improve your health.
  • You must have heard many people complaining of stomach ache. Sometimes stomach ache is also caused due to navel moving, such people should tie a black thread on the thumb of both the feet. You will get relief from the problem of stomach ache.
  • Wearing a black thread on the feet removes the ill effects of Saturn and strengthens the eyesight. It removes the obstacles in life.
  • Wearing a black thread on the hand or wrist brings success. It also controls obesity.

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  • Tying a black thread on the vehicle keeps the evil eye away and there is also no fear of any kind of accident.
  • If you tie a black thread on the main gate, then negative energy stays away. Positivity remains in the house.
  •  Black thread should always be worn after tying 9 knots. After tying this thread, you should chant Gayatri Mantra every day. This increases the effect further.
  • Small children should definitely wear a black thread. For children who have very low immunity, this thread gives their body the strength to fight diseases.
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Questions related to black thread

When and how to tie the black thread?

Before wearing the black thread, 9 knots should be tied in it. It is considered auspicious for men to tie the black thread on the right hand and leg. Whereas, it is beneficial for women to wear it on the left hand and leg. Tuesday or Saturday is considered auspicious to wear the black thread.

Which zodiac sign people should not wear black thread?

The lord of Scorpio zodiac sign is considered to be Mars and Mars represents the red color, hence black thread is not worn.

On which foot is it auspicious to tie a black thread?

Tying a black thread on the left leg is considered auspicious.

What happens by tying a black thread on Tuesday?

If you tie a black thread on your right foot on Tuesday, then the money problems in your life will be resolved very soon.

What will happen if you tie a black thread on your hand?

Some people are troubled by the evil eye of others. Such people should tie a black thread on the left wrist. This will eliminate most of the problems in your life.